Friday, 8 June 2012

Workshop Layout: Thursday night 21st June

Hi ladies, hope you like our next layout. I had lots of fun making it. Don't forget, choose your photos, then let me know what colour you would like. I have used Elegant Eggplant, but the colour choice is up to you.
The larger photo mounts will fit 5" x 7" portrait photos, or two trimmed landscape 6" x 4"s in each. The elegant eggplant photo mounts will also fit trimmed 6" x 4" photos.

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Splish Splash

I received a request for a Swimming Lessons layout from a group of my ladies.  I have tried to make this page so it can be used for not only swimming lessons, but maybe a pool page, fishing or a beach theme.

Here is the layout I came up with:

A few weeks ago I had found pics of my first born (he is 9 now!!) on our old video camera of him at Parent Baby Swimming Lessons, so I was very keen to get them printed and get another page done. I was pregnant and not feeling well at the time so hubby was in singing Nursery Rhymes with all the other mums LOL. Excuse the grainy photos, but this was the best the old video camera could do.